
└➤  welcome !
          	we are g.c offices ! here at g.c, we try to look out for the
          	 little guys (i.e those we are being harassed without 
          	anyone trying to end it) and try to help defend those 
          	who deserve it. those guilty will be prosecuted by us
          	 'lawyers,' in a makeshift courtroom. 
          	if you have a case such as bullying, harassment, 
          	unwanted insults, or anything else, report to g.c. 
          	offices by clicking on the 'Message' box. pm us the
          	 details and provide us with necessary screenshots.
          	 thank you !
          	information to remember: 
          	» FAIRYISMS#2544
          	» scarletdarling#9613
          	» ssolacce
          	» redesque
          	if the information above changes and you cannot 
          	contact my associate or i, pm us for the new accounts.
          	 that is all until further notice. until next time !


└➤  welcome !
          we are g.c offices ! here at g.c, we try to look out for the
           little guys (i.e those we are being harassed without 
          anyone trying to end it) and try to help defend those 
          who deserve it. those guilty will be prosecuted by us
           'lawyers,' in a makeshift courtroom. 
          if you have a case such as bullying, harassment, 
          unwanted insults, or anything else, report to g.c. 
          offices by clicking on the 'Message' box. pm us the
           details and provide us with necessary screenshots.
           thank you !
          information to remember: 
          » FAIRYISMS#2544
          » scarletdarling#9613
          » ssolacce
          » redesque
          if the information above changes and you cannot 
          contact my associate or i, pm us for the new accounts.
           that is all until further notice. until next time !