this message may be offensive
I have a few questions for you guys...
1) why can girls hold hands and it's cute, but then boys hold hands and it's gay?
2) why is Z said different depending on what country you're in?
3) what are you guys thoughts on the MOMO challenge?
4) does every creepypasta fan know almost 100 different creepypasta characters or do I just have issues?
5) why are half the adults I meet think that girls should have long hair and boys shouldn't?
6) do any of you guys stay up till 1:40 am thinking about shit like this?
7) I REALLY like someone but they're my ex, would it be weird if I asked them out again?
8) should I stop writing my EJ x Reader?
9) is anyone else waiting until the last minute to do their homework?
10) should I make a Reddit account?
Well, that's it, for now, my kittens, sleep well.