Hey guys :-)
So alot happened in 2020 and we never know how or will it end?....
Started with fires in Austrailiah ,covid19,BLM✊,VOTE elections✔️ even aftershocks(earthquakes) in SA..is it just meh that feels like the world is ending and sooner or later it will be:(we really tried to make this year better but the more we tried the more everything fell against us!What kind of app decides who y should date and even destroy yr own relationships(TIKTOK⚠️ofc)we shouldn't prove that we are better♂️ ♀️but prove to be just our own selfs♀️♂️..All religions,cultures matter even race!!Killing Muslims won't benefit anything!!killing Muslims it hurts to hear,What did they do to everyone,the truth hurts but if Muslims did something wrong god sorts it out!☺Killing blacks doesnt benefit anythingkilling blacks hurt people Kidnapping children,hav you ever think who made the kidnappers(mother's got birth to them and exactly to that children mother's cared,loved them!!STOP BEING GREEDY ON MONEYstart doing the right things!!!because you dont even know if there even is a tomorrow for everyone even y❤