so guys this is a funny story about how my family got our Christmas tree this year. So me my dad my lil brother, my big brother, step mother, step ant and my grandma went looking for the Christmas tree cause we have a fake one we use all year and we couldn't find so we told my dad that we probably threw it away so the next day my dad went to get another Christmas he came back around 10:00 he showed us the tree and it was much bigger then the other so we did not have a problem so the next day my dad woke up early in the morning and noticed a bag on the porch so he thought it was just 'garbage' soooooo he did something any 'normal' person would do he yeeeeted it off the porch ^v^ so he got dressed and went down stairs and outside to get it so he took the bags and was about to put it in the garbage when he realized it was the FWUCKING old Christmas tree like just WHY ALL THE CLEANING AND SPENDING HOURS SEARCHING FOUR IT! so then he did what (any) 'normal' person would do he went up to our neighbors house and said do you need a Christmas tree and they said "yeah?" my dad then handed them the bag with the Christmas tree and walked out with the most confident walk iv'e ever seen like the confidence if you saved 157 peoples life that confidence he walked back inside got in his boxers and me him and my brother played catch all day...........until he farted and we ran out the room for the rest of the day =^= this story this took place recently anyways hope yall enjoy this story