## POGTOPIA VISITS .ᐟ starter below

@urgods ;; // THIS IS SO L:ATE IM SO SORRY FOFR LEAVING YOU WAITING FOR 6 DAYS IM SORRY the brunette furrowed his brows upon hearing the way too familiar voice of a former revival, he let out a sigh as he paused what he had been doing beforehand and begun to tidy himself up a bit ( he may be insane but he still has /some/ dignity, he isnt a /caveman/. ) he cleared his throat before finally responding to the call , “ yes , i' m here dream ! ” he called back with a small hum. ( casual wilbur move. )

ᥫ᭡ʼ .ᐟ ❞ * drip, drip, drip. the cold ravine known as pogtopia was emptier than usual, the presence of tommy allowing the cave to be quieter. dream didn't like being in pogtopia. the area was much too dark and damp for his enjoyment, but he had business he had to attend to. * wilbur? are you here? * dream called out, his voice echoing of the cave walls. *