
So,I literally forgot last weekend  I was pretty busy,but this weekend I will upload a new part finally!


Omg I just saw the last time I actually posted a part of “Hearts on Ice” was June 2023?! Better get ready for another update this weekend! I hope you’re all excited for this fic to make a comeback! Stay tuned! x


Hey there guys,it’s been a while.I’ve been feeling awful mentally and I know I’ve made promises to keep writing on my Sashanne fic and I will keep it,I’ll just need motivation somehow and I’ll get to it when I can.


            It’s nice to hear from you. I appreciate any and all updates on how you’re doing.
            No worries, about the time it takes to update the fic. We’ll be here ready to read and comment. 
            I hope life starts to be more gentle, kind, and loving to you. You deserve it. Sending so much love and healing your way. 
            Take care (as best as you can. Proud of you).


Sorry I haven´t released last weeks part of "Hearts on Ice".I was in the hospital cause I suddenly got sick bad,but now i´m better and I´ll publish the next part on Fridays as before


@ca3elum dang it's been a while, hope you're still okay <3


I’m delighted that you’re feeling better. No worries, we’ll be here once you’re ready to post again. I adore your story and willing to wait for it :). May the rest of your writing journey be a gentle one :)


@Ohsoclever1 Thanks (: I´m better just haven´t had the motivation to publish new parts yet