
And so. Ahmm. I started this story when i was 16 and now i’m 20 and boy did i come a long way hahaha (nervously laugh cause it’s been a year since i’ve updated). Things been really hard for this past few years and i’ve been also been busy with a lot of things especially now i’ve come to adulthood. So because i sort of come back to this story one more time i’ll be leaving it as it be because i’m so lazy re-editing some mistakes ( i re read some chaps and boy it has a lot of errors ). Anyway, i ‘ll try to write one chapter right now see where it goes, since i have a lot time as of the moment. So, if you read it this far. You’re a true one ☝️ 


And so. Ahmm. I started this story when i was 16 and now i’m 20 and boy did i come a long way hahaha (nervously laugh cause it’s been a year since i’ve updated). Things been really hard for this past few years and i’ve been also been busy with a lot of things especially now i’ve come to adulthood. So because i sort of come back to this story one more time i’ll be leaving it as it be because i’m so lazy re-editing some mistakes ( i re read some chaps and boy it has a lot of errors ). Anyway, i ‘ll try to write one chapter right now see where it goes, since i have a lot time as of the moment. So, if you read it this far. You’re a true one ☝️ 


HELLO. IS ANYONE STILL HERE? BWAHAHAHA its has been a long hiatus right?. The story has also been almost 4 years since i started it but its still not finish. Should i even continue? Hahaha i need answers and a motivation. Anyway… HAPPY NEW YEAR


Hello everyone, i’m still here hehe. It’s been a long time has it? Haha i’ve been very busy with life as of the moment and i just turned 20.  oops. Someone’s getting older, anyway. I’ll just edit some chapters for now as i reread this story again to catch up with the plot. But, i’ll assure you guys i’ll update soon. 


@ ca7H3r1ne  welcome back and happy late birthday :D


How are you? Am still currently busy because of additional work and things to be focusing on not just school work. I’m planning on posting the next chapter probably next month? When things are running smoothly on schedule. Yeah. Just wanna say that. I’m really sorry for the wait. But i’m still here, and i made a promise to finish this. Thank you for reading polar to you.


So, as all of you guys can tell... student life is a busy work. Lots of works means to busy. But.... don’t you worry.. i’m going to finish the fanfiction i have started soo don’t worry. Also, sorry for not posting for awhile you know how it is i iust wanted to update you guys knowing i’m still here hahaha 
          P.s YOU CAN DO THIS! Yes! I’m talking to you, the one reading this! YOU CAN DO THIS!! NEVER GIVE UP! 


HII GUYSSUEEE i’m sorry if i’m taking to long to update. It’s just my schedule is a bit busy at the moment also... every time i try to write a story i always get writer’s block to yeah 
          I just want you guys to know that i guess