
Been on this app off and on for about 12 years. Still never ceases to amaze how much girls internalize Violence against them at the hands of males. Especially black women. (Almost) every story on here features a victim of some type of male violence. Very heartbreaking. 


Been on this app off and on for about 12 years. Still never ceases to amaze how much girls internalize Violence against them at the hands of males. Especially black women. (Almost) every story on here features a victim of some type of male violence. Very heartbreaking. 


Unpopular book opinion: there's no such thing as enemies to lovers! If you aren't kind to the protagonist or at least a likeable character, I'm sorry, I've written you off as a love interest. There's no way you will be physically aggressive, verbally abusive, or just an inconvenience in every way imaginable and I'm supposed to somehow believe you're the love of her life. Never gonna happen. I find this trope so gross! Stop normalizing abuse


@Love-Fight-Create omg yes! I was reading the cutest book over, shipping the characters so hard…then they had a minor disagreement and he calls her a B-tch not even halfway through the book  I never DNFed so fast in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like huh??? Where’s the romance or happy ending in that


Random, but we really need a feature that allows us to follow a certain tag / hashtag on here so we can see what’s new or trending for that category. I don’t feel like my homepage algorithm is a true reflection of my tastes.


@Love-Fight-Create I love AO3 but I’m not a huge FF girl  if only AO3 and Wattpad had a baby