
Almost 4:30am and I'm still thinking about how we got bluesung back


@throatwider  his priorities are crazy


@cactiih LMDAO IKR imagine u just recovered from an injury and you immediately have to go to a hair dyign appointment after


I love you in a way that stains my bones,
          a fire too wild for its own hands,
          a storm that rises even as I beg it to rest.
          I have never felt this before—
          not like this, not this deep, not this raw.
          It is not love; it is something crueler,
          something that presses against my ribs
          until I cannot breathe,
          something that drowns me in your absence
          and devours me in your presence.
          If I could tear my heart from my chest,
          if I could silence the way it calls your name,
          I would
          not because I do not want to love you,
          but because I know my love is a burden,
          a weight you should not have to carry.
          I am sorry
          for feeling this much,
          for letting my heart betray me,
          for wishing, even for a moment,
          that you might hold this love gently
          instead of turning away.
          I love you,
          and it hurts,
          and it will not stop.


@jinnieisgod  you don't nag me. And I don't want u to disappear. This isn't selfish, I find myself looking forward to ur beautiful poems everyday and I will "bare" with you for the rest of my life if I can because this is not toleration, I like your attention and I like your love and it is a feeling to be celebrated.


@cactiih i promise meg if i could disappear i would, if i could just shut up and stop nagging you i would. If i could just leave you alone i would. But there’s something, every single day, that makes me write these poems on your mb, and i know it sounds dramatic, but i swear i can’t stop myself. I am selfish and i know, i know, please bare with me for a little longer 


@jinnieisgod  why would your love ever be a burden princess? It is a weight I want to carry. Something I indulge in. Not something I an forced to obey.


do you think it’s possible loving someone healthily if you don’t love yourself?


@jinnieisgod  how can you be so sure they love someone else? And I know it might be hard to love but it's the nature of being. I realise you've never felt like this before, I know change is hard, but it is the condition of being too. Maybe you're burning love makes them glow instead of turn to ashes, maybe your love is an ablaze star. 


@cactiih it hurts because the person i love loves someone else. I can sense it. I just know it. And i’ve been trying so hard to get rid of this. But then again i love them too much id allow them to break me as many times as they wish. I want to get rid of this feelings not because it burns me, but because i don’t want to burn them, because they don’t deserve it. Don’t deserve someone like me who’s love is probably toxic because i don’t know how to properly love. 


@jinnieisgod  it's never your fault. I'll repeat as many times as you need for you to believe it. People will always listen to their base instincts, never their higher aspirations. We will always be animals, but pretend to know what God is. People treat you like that because they hate themselves, they take out this hatred on you, it's something you just don't deserve. It's not your fault. I love you. It's never your fault.


Your dark eyes bloom like midnight seas,
          where whispered winds weave through the trees.
          A boundless depth, a shadowed grace,
          where time itself slows its embrace.
          They hold the stars—no need for light,
          for even dusk bows in your sight.
          A universe behind each glance,
          a secret world, a silent dance.
          The moon leans close to catch their gleam,
          soft silver drowned in onyx dream.
          No ember burns, no jewel glows bright,
          as deep as they, as full of night.
          I lose myself within their hue,
          where galaxies are born anew.
          The tides obey their gentle call,
          I fall and fall and long to fall.
          No poet’s ink could trace their fire,
          nor silence hush my soul’s desire.
          For in those depths, both wild and wise,
          I live, I breathe—your dark, dark eyes.


@cactiih thank you, i love yours 


@jinnieisgod    I love your eyes


Almost 4:30am and I'm still thinking about how we got bluesung back


@throatwider  his priorities are crazy


@cactiih LMDAO IKR imagine u just recovered from an injury and you immediately have to go to a hair dyign appointment after


If I could write you in water,
          I’d let the river carry my love to your hands,
          let every ripple whisper your name
          as it rushes to meet the sea.
          If I could paint you in fire,
          I’d set the sky alight with our longing,
          let the embers etch your silhouette
          into the marrow of my soul.
          You are the hush before a storm,
          the petal that lingers on the wind,
          the golden hour where time forgets itself—
          and I, too, forget everything but you.
          No language can cradle the depth of this feeling,
          no constellation can chart its course.
          All I know is that I am lost in you,
          and I do not wish to be found.




I have searched the world for words,
          for syllables soft enough to hold you,
          for verses vast enough to mirror the ocean
          that swells within your eyes.
          You are the quiet between heartbeats,
          the breath before a whispered confession,
          the golden thread that weaves light
          into the dim corners of my existence.
          If the wind could carry my longing,
          it would weave its fingers through your hair,
          press against your lips like a prayer,
          and tangle itself in the spaces between your ribs,
          where I wish to rest forever.
          You are dawn breaking on trembling skin,
          you are dusk folding the sky into an embrace.
          I have knelt before the altars of poetry,
          but no sonnet, no hymn, no sacred prose
          could ever be worthy of your name.
          So take this—
          not a poem, not a plea, not a promise—
          but a piece of my soul,
          laid bare before you,
          aching to be held.

