
Hi guys! Thanks for all the messages while I've been gone - you guys are brilliant!!! I'll resume activities here mid January once the Christmas rush is over (so much woooork! So much social!) And catch up on everyone then!


HI :)
          Just took a look at your deviations. Your "Death, and the Teacup" is mind blowing! The quote excerpt, is that part of your ku-no-ichi novel? Because I loved it. Especially the fact that the little girl refers to him as the "sad man".


Hi Rochelle
          Haven't heard from you in ages, but I am really keen to do critique swaps with you, if you want, and on my book "Emeline and the Forest Mage". I found your previous comments insightful and helpful for my editing, and I do like your writing and would love to give you feedback you might find valuable. 
          Lemme kno eh?


Hi guys! Thanks for all the messages while I've been gone - you guys are brilliant!!! I'll resume activities here mid January once the Christmas rush is over (so much woooork! So much social!) And catch up on everyone then!


I see you over there - people working hard at your craft and realising your passions! It's a brave and difficult road, following your own creativity. Yes, for many people and most of the time it's thankless work too, but that's what makes you responsible for loving the hell out of what you do. If you're lucky, others will too!
          <3<3 (another soapbox message from moi! It's my thing atm!)