
New short story will be up in a few~


To all my lovely readers and followers who'd looked up and checked out One in a Million, I love you all and I'm so thankful. And I'm so sorry to say that right now, it's on hiatus due to my sudden spurge of ideas for The Queen Bee's Nerd. I don't know if I'll delete it as of now; perhaps soon, but not until I'm satisfied with QB'sN. It's just, I know almost exactly where this story is going, and I have writer's block for OiaM T_T Once again, I'm really sorry to everyone. I will repost it again soon, maybe even right after the holidays (because my ideas are so clear for QB'sN, I may finish it by the beginnings of January). I apologize for your disappointments ^^ Another factor is that I'm not sure I love the style of OiaM and where it's going from how I'm writing it. But I DO have a very good plotline for it; I'm just not sure about how to deliver it. Once again, I'm so sorry~