this message may be offensive
tho things have been looking pretty shit, that doesn't mean I dont love this fandom. This toxicity will end one day and we'll all be able to hold hands again and give the boys the love and respect they deserve and much more ~~ and tbh, I've been seeing less toxic things so I think we're slowly getting our bearings again.
But N E ways enough about that lmao—
I'm so happy ♡♡ I fully joined the fandom after the name was given but I feel like I was there from the very beginning.
I've never felt this much love for a group or a fandom before like not even for Wanna One and my friends know I hardcore ulted them.
No matter what, I'll stay with my boys. We're called Stay for a reason and I couldn't ask for a better name for us.
Happy 1st Anniversary, Stay ♡