Heyy hope all is well I don’t want it to come across like I’m rushing you but I wanted to know if you’re continuing with this story cause I really like this☺️.
Still wondering if you 're going to continue the omega verse story because I really like your writing and I'm still looking forward to the continuation
Hiii, I am a new reader a I was wondering if u had a release date scheduled, or a specific day u post on? I really like work, it's very similar to the real novel :]
@caijend no apologies necessary! I totally understand that there are other things to prioritize. I truly appreciate you still taking the time to do this! Stay strong and awesome! You are amazing!
hello !!
I hope youre doing good , I just wanted to ask if you're still going to publish the omega verse fanfic of payback I'm SO EXITED FOR IT hope it doesn't take a while if you're still doing it