
Hi guys. I'm sorry but I think I'm gunna do somthing and I know I have my lives left but I need to do it and I'm sorry to the people who love me. If u don't want me to do it pm me or comment or if I don't then I am gunna do it I guess


status update
          so I'm in the hospital  for at least 3 weeks now.
          I have been horrible these last few weeks, throwing up and just being sick. also I have been cutting my wrist beacuse of haters. A few days ago I got surgery and I'm still recovering from it. Even tho I have been in pain for awhile and I just wanna thank u guys for helping me get through stuff like this. Thanks for everything guys!!!!! LOVE YA!!!! Also thank u family of helping me get through this sickness!!!! 
          @ LaurenKatyAtkinson


(: always here for you and remember I know what your going through @caitlyncorby1993


hwy guys! I'm in the hospital recovering from surgery and I'm gunna be in a lot of pain and sore and all.  I promise to u guys even tho I'm in the hospital I will still read books on here and I will txt u guys . I promise and I cross my heart that I won't break that promise


I'm sorry guys!!!!! I had to cut my wrist!!!!!!I have been getting hate and have been sad all day. I had to guys I'm sorry:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:("(:(
          I'm sorry to those who became friends with me cause I'm fat , ugly , worthless,  a whore, any bad name u can call me 
          I had to cut I'm sorry :( 
          (don't look at my background pic)


No your not your beautiful -hugs u tight- I might not be in a good place at the Minute but I'm still here for you


amy little Katie has oxygen on her and she has lots of machines hooked up to her:(:( I need someone to cry on:(:( she keeps asking for me to hold her so I'm holding her now and she now is asking to see niall horan but we don't know niall horan:(