
Hey guys. It's been a bit since I talked to you. I'm writing another book rn even though I know I promised to finish Hi Again. It's called Pepper Laces and Bottlecap. It's super a work in progress but I'm actually working really hard on it and I just really wish more people would read it.


Hey guys. It's been a bit since I talked to you. I'm writing another book rn even though I know I promised to finish Hi Again. It's called Pepper Laces and Bottlecap. It's super a work in progress but I'm actually working really hard on it and I just really wish more people would read it.


Alright my loyal followers. Here you go. I might not be continuing Hello Again, because I have been diagnosed with depression. It explains a lot, and since I'm stressed and going through a lot of things, depression is super bad. I know this probably sounds like something you can't sympathize with, but it is simply a mental disease (this is something you can't see for those of you who think you can see this sort of thing) that takes the fun out of daily life and makes you wish it were there.