Hey guys. I haven't written in forever and I really do apologize. I have completely lost my muse and I am searching for it again. Hopefully, you will have something soon.
Hey guys. I haven't written in forever and I really do apologize. I have completely lost my muse and I am searching for it again. Hopefully, you will have something soon.
So please forgive me for not uploading sooner! Thieves has a new chapter though! I'll try to upload a new one soon and hopefully you all enjoy it! I didn't mean to take so long between uploads.
Sorry guys. My computer has a huge crack and because of that, I can't see my screen enough to write. I'm getting a new one soon though. Please be patient!
Hey all. Thieves has been updated quite a few times within the past few days for those of you reading it. I will be on vacation starting tomorrow so I don't know when I will update next.