
ok did anyone see the new update for wattpad. ITS FACKIN AMAZING XD


ok so ish me flare (or cakethecat idc wht u guys call me unless it a stupid mutt and tht sht) my computer AND phone stoped working so I had to make a new account on my dads tablet.  this things slow af btw so ya if I can ima try to fix my phone and when I do I will update stuffs. later ppl and flarey out


*waves at you and smiles* hello


@cakethecat123 oh shot it didnt show me that you replied srry should i just pm you?


heeeelllo mah friends. so i just wanna say dat this is a pointless post. i am just really borsed so im writing this randomness down. AAANNYYWWAAAYY i wanna know if any of u think i should make a book with mah creppypasta in it and all the others like: ej,jeff,slendeh,sally,maskeh,hoddie,BEN,and jane(MAH HOMMIE). so if so reply yesh or nah  to dis post. if i have atleast 9 yeshes then i shall make ze book. anyway FLARE OUT AND BIA.


@cakethecat123 also if u wanna add a creppy pasta that i didnt add to da list of pastas them plz tell meh and i might add it