Wait i think yogya isn't that far from jakarta ? Idk. But tbh same, i'm going to go with my sister bc my parents wouldnt want to come with me lol. And i pay the concert with all of my savings urgh but yes wish me luck enough so i can meet calum and cAKE MY PARENTS
yogya lol. i didnt get my parents permission tho and they were like "i'd rather be at home than wasting such amount of money to see people sing" damn jack hemmings wouldnt treat me like this :(((( hey but at least youre lucky you get to see them live ;)) @chocolatexcakes
Ahhh where are you from? And tbh it's hard for me too bc i'm not rich :(( and i need to pay my sister bc i borrowed the money from her urghh so i need to save my money everyday and be ((hemat))