Hi! I just read your counterpart story it was amazing. I tried to read your other stories but I couldn't. Do you have this story in any other apps? Like deviantart or something else? It seems interesting i want to read it. Love your stories ❤
@caktisacow umm I know the reply is late but the link isn't working for some reason:( I heard alot people say this is a really good story and I really want to read it:^( can you please do something qwq
@Aramisxx That is in the “Updates Regarding” post on my page. I’ll post the chapters for that story, but I won’t continue it (not at this time :(. Maybe in the future?).
I’ve been saying I’m gonna post trusting Him/Them on DeviantArt, but you know what? I will post those old chapters on my Ko-Fi page instead. Might as well, it’s where I put all my writing content anyways.