
Wowza!  It took longer than I expected to get my life together!  My life still isn't completely together but good news!  I'm gonna start posting stories again!  I'll be starting again with Star of Juino and posting a new chapter every Wednesday.  I just started chapter eighteen and I believe I'm in the last quarter of the book, so this will be a long one compared to what I'm used to.  I hope you enjoy.  Happy Reading!


Wowza!  It took longer than I expected to get my life together!  My life still isn't completely together but good news!  I'm gonna start posting stories again!  I'll be starting again with Star of Juino and posting a new chapter every Wednesday.  I just started chapter eighteen and I believe I'm in the last quarter of the book, so this will be a long one compared to what I'm used to.  I hope you enjoy.  Happy Reading!


Hey guys!  I will be taking a little break from Wattpad just to catch up on my stories.  I have about nine different stories that are in the making and its driving me nuts!  So I'm going to finish one (maybe two) and post them chapter by chapter once I am done.  I will most likely be back by or a little after New Years and the first book I will publish (continue publishing) will be Star of Juino.  So please sit tight as I organize my life :)


Hey guys!  I'll be deleting my story 'Nerissa' soon and editing to a better quality.  I will upload the revised edition all together instead of updating it weekly like I am with 'The Star of Juino' (plug plug plug).  This will happen within the next two weeks or so, so keep your eyes peeled for a new and improved 'Nerissa'!  Have a good day, and Happy Reading!


Hey guys!  I just published the last chapter of my story 'The Thinking Room!'  Go ahead and check it out if you haven't already.  I am already currently working on more stories and I might update stories twice or thrice a week now at this rate.  So keep your eyes peeled for more stories!  Happy Reading!


I'll be posting the first chapter of my new story 'The Thinking Room' on April 10th.  And then the rest of the chapters, I will try to post weekly.  So make sure you get unnecessarily hyped for this story!  Just kidding, but I hope you guys do look forward to me finally getting active on here again.  Happy Reading!


Sorry I've been gone for another eternity!!  Y'all I'm truly sorry to all those who care about my stories (which probably isn't many but whatever).  I am currently going to musical rehearsal after school until 6 three days a week and my schedule is chock full.  I am also currently working on another story which I will upload sometime in April, fingers crossed.  I am personally proud of this book and how it's turning out so far and I hope you guys enjoy too when I upload it.  Happy reading and I PROMISE I will upload soon.


Sorry I haven't been active for an eternity.  School started a while ago and I'm doing so much stuff and high school stinks at letting you have time for a life.  I just published a whole story so you can go check that out and I'll try to update World of Warharias soon.  Please bear with me I'm trying to stay up to date