
Hey everyone! 
          	Long time no see, I know. It's just that I have been going through some stuff and had to disconnect from social media for a while in order to get my head on straight. 
          	It's a long journey and there is still a lot of ground to cover and I am going to unpublish Second Chance as part of this process. I am not happy with the way the story is progressing,  and from the number of reads per chapter I know that my readers agree with me, so I decided to take a step back and return with a new, fresh perspective for the story which I hope will please and fulfill me as well as you.
          	To those of you who were reading the story I apologise for the inconvenience. 


Hey everyone! 
          Long time no see, I know. It's just that I have been going through some stuff and had to disconnect from social media for a while in order to get my head on straight. 
          It's a long journey and there is still a lot of ground to cover and I am going to unpublish Second Chance as part of this process. I am not happy with the way the story is progressing,  and from the number of reads per chapter I know that my readers agree with me, so I decided to take a step back and return with a new, fresh perspective for the story which I hope will please and fulfill me as well as you.
          To those of you who were reading the story I apologise for the inconvenience. 


OMG! I have just met my new literary crush and guess who it is?
          Simon Basset! (Squeal! )
          Not the one from the series, because I have not watched that yet, but the one from the book. He's soooo swoon worthy...
          Seriously guys I am in LOVE with this character and I sort of wish he was not fictitious. 


Guys, two updates in one week! And who do we have to thank for that? @Leah_Clearwater for making the new cover for Annykah and Kaidan's story which might I add, looks pretty awesome. 
          Check out Chapter 14 of Second Chance now! 


"It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default." ― J.K. Rowling
          Howdy! Sei here. How are you doing? How's your life going? I wrote this to remind you that you are loved and appreciated. Ounces and ounces of failure makes your day bitter. Tears from falling down and hurting your remaining hope makes you feel drowned. Hey? Failure is a part of life. Life is not all about sugars or honey. Life is a palette of spices and colors that gives you a unique taste. So yeah! Fighting! Smile! Don't fear failure, fear of having regrets of quitting without even trying better and better each day. Sei loves you. ♡︎
          — Sei (つ≧▽≦)つ ☕︎


@ Sei_Frost  Good morning, (or afternoon) how are you?
            Tonnes of love have been sent your way and I am wondering if you have received it yet?❤


“Just disconnect. Once in a day sometime, sit silently and from all connections disconnect yourself.” — Yoda
          Hey? It's me Sei. Feeling tired? Hopeless? or even empty? It sucks to feel such, right? I know you are drained and it's dragging you down. You can pause for a while and disconnect from this busy world. Take a rest. Resting or stopping to take a break doesn't mean you're quitting. Recharge yourself again coz just like machines, we need to get some rest. Go ahead and sleep, be silly, read, eat, sing, play, or just take a walk. You deserve it, okay? You did your best and I'm proud of you. I'm proud of your accomplishments. Smile! Fighting! God is here for you to lean on.
          — Sei ☕︎ (•̀ᴗ•́)و


@ Sei_Frost  ❤


"Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start." 
          — Nido Qubein
          Ohayo! Sei here. You are experiencing hardships, right? You keep on falling down and facing countless defeats that makes you scream in pain. It feels like life is unfair for it seems nothing good is happening. Hey? Those dark days and nights are your essential goods to pack up for your long adventure. They will come handy for they have lessons to teach you. I know you badly want to experience success and happiness. But, please hold on even longer. What comes easy will be gone easily. Life is not a race. Life is a matter of living your life. Fighting! Smile!
          — Sei ☕︎ ᕙ(  • ‿ •  )ᕗ 


@ Sei_Frost  your words are the highlight of my day.


Hey guy, I hope you're all having a great day so far. I know I haven't been active here but I promise to change that. And I'm starting with an apology to @Leah_Clearwater, @Sameangle10,  @AletheaLyons and everyone else who has been reading and supporting my novel Second Chance, for not updating this week. It's just that life has been hectic and I've had barely no time to focus on it but I will be posting within this week and if everything goes well it will be a double update. 


@AletheaLyons I am okay, thank you. How about you? 


"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." 
          — Thomas A. Edison
          It's me again. Teehee! The road may be tough and uphill battles are exhausting, but I know success are already waving. Buddy, go forth and fight once more. Go and reach your dreams!
          — Sei ☕︎ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ