
I've been thinking about FINALLY updating my other story Found, and I've been working in this chapter for a while now and I will have it up this weekend! Hopefully you Guys will enjoy it!


I was thinking about deleting my story Found, but i reread it and decided that i might add a couple more chapters i added a little bit more to chapter 3 today to top it off, if you want me to keep my story please let me know what you think should happen!


I just finished chapter 2 of why me? please go read and vote for it. i love to hear what you guys think of the story so please message me or leave a comment and tell me what you think is going to happen or what you want to happen thanks guys!


Sorry i havent been able to update in a while just started schhol and have volleyball practice everyday for three hours!! ughh! im going to try to get out a new chapter to Why Me? this weekend and hopefully one for Found as well! leave comments and let me know what you think i should do!! thanks guys!