@gayis_ok I...I don't know what to say...you're the best (and longest) friend I've ever had and I've been through hell and back with you. You're literally my favorite person (next to Moriarty aha) and I just really hope it can stay that way. You know what our relationship reminds me of: Merthur. You being Merlin and me being Arthur. I used to be in a shell and you broke me out of it and I'm so happy for that. You forced me to have confidence and I wouldn't have met certain people without it (Gueniveur ;) you've always been there especially with my evil sister ;) and we've always had that weird sexual tension that never went anywhere aha. I just hope this friendship will only die when one of us dies and then other will sacrifice Justin Beiber or Robin Thicke to Satan so we can get the other back haha. I just want you to know that "we're family" "Sherlock is actually a girls name" and "Rose Tyler I-"
~Cxx (Callee, Callidora, *groans* double E, Cermerler, Scarlett, Scar, Etc...)