
so addicted to invincible its not even funny its just financially draining because what do you mean buying the whole series plus compendiums would cost me around 300 or more


i am NEVER touching Ao3 again oh my god????im dissapointed in my species???


@calleigh_archive oh fr lmao, i've probably been there before


@-Rainbow116- ill be like "okay cool this ones weird but not illegal" and then i miss a tag or two or they don't have warnings or anything like GET OUTTT 


@calleigh_archive i literally hate people like be normal??? or at least yknow, not illegal???? i try to stay away from the illegal ahh fics but it's so difficult for no reason


"Waiter! Waiter! More Jod Na Nawood fanfics please!" I beg, waiting for a response from the fanfic gods. but to no avail, i recieve an empty platter. No Jod Na Nawood fanfiction. Am I to write my own, to feast upon my own meal? No im FAR too lazy.