Wait... Am I... Did I just... write something?? Did I just actually sit down and write something? What does this mean? Is the world ending? What's happening?
Nope. It just means that graduate school is absolutely destroying me and I haven't written a words since the beginning of August!
All of that is about to change (maybe) because today I wrote a thing! And maybe it'll turn into something, and maybe it won't, but if it does, maybe I'll do the unthinkable and (*gasp*) post it on Wattpad!
Wait, what? Yup, you heard right! There may be a thing, and there may not be a thing!
Stay tuned.
In the mean time, a teaser...
Macbeth meets Throne of Glass meets The Once and Future Witches. Thoughts?
(also, this may have already posted, but isn't showing up on my feed, so if you get multiple notifications, I'm so sorry!)