
Heya my lovelies! I'm back onto writing after disappearing for a few months. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm working on a lot of stories right now and I'll get back to my Kevin Ghost & Ashley Purdy fan fictions soon. I'm publishing a few new stories soon. If you guys like Dragon Age and Fallout you'll want to check them out when I upload them. Also I'm working on an original story of my own that will also be published soon :) I just wanted to let you guys know what's gonna happen in the next few weeks.


Heya my lovelies! I'm back onto writing after disappearing for a few months. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm working on a lot of stories right now and I'll get back to my Kevin Ghost & Ashley Purdy fan fictions soon. I'm publishing a few new stories soon. If you guys like Dragon Age and Fallout you'll want to check them out when I upload them. Also I'm working on an original story of my own that will also be published soon :) I just wanted to let you guys know what's gonna happen in the next few weeks.


Hey guys just letting you know that after a long time of not updating Love Drug it should be up tomorrow c: Also if you haven't yet please go check out The Good, The Bad, And The Purdy if you like Ashley Purdy. Also sad to say but I'm deleting Finding My Way because I don't think I'll ever update it again I didn't like it so yeah. Anywhore, have a good day lovelies!