Let everything go and trust Allah. Stop beating yourself up about things that you have no control over. Stop being too hard on yourself. Instead of worrying and stressing out, spend that time making Dua. Spend that time talking to your creator. Cry if you have to, even better. Pour your heart out to Him. Empty it all out so that you feel better, so that you feel relieved. Allah always listens, He's always opening doors that we didn't even know existed. That's the beauty of Allah. He gives, gives and gives. He is Al- Wahhab. The giver of all. It is Allah's plan, whatever is happening in your life. And it's fine if you can't understand it. ALLAΗ wants you to trust His plan. He wants you to make dua, trust Him, have sabr and leave everything in His hands. Allah will make everything clear. You will understand one day, why everything happened the way it did. So don't let your worries be greater than your tawakkul.✨