
@PartyCat247 awe thanks. I'll try. School ends in three weeks for me so I'll write a lot more.


If any of you who have been reading 'When I First Met You', I'M FINALLY UPDATING MORE OFTEN! However, I will not be able to update the next chapter in a while. The computer that I had the chapter saved on broke. It still works it just needs to be charged but the charger isn't working so, yeah, it's pretty much useless. Thanks for reading! Bye!


Whoever is reading my story, Rumor, or has read a chapter, I want you guys to read chapter 8 because there are some people who keep up with the chapters and updates and who want to read my story. I have a lot of ideas for the story and I want to continue writing it but I can't post the next chapter until I have 15 reads and I only have 8. This number has stayed the same for a while and I want you all to read this and ask yourself this, "Would it be fair to others who want to read this story if I don't do something to help the writer post the next chapter?". I personally don't think it would be fair but that's just me. I hope you read this and that you take it in to consideration.


For those of you who are reading my stories, I'm just letting you guys know that I'm not going to be posting new chapters in the next week and a half. My mom is mad at me cause of my grades and my room is a disaster area. It literally looks like a dump. Anywhoo, she said I'm not allowed to go on the computer until summer vacation but I'll try to sneak my updates in. I'm sorry that I can't even use an iPod touch or iPhone to update but unfortunately, I do not own anything with an 'i' at the beginning . Sorry to all my readers and I'll try to update if I can.