
i hate everyone and everything


AHhax hi!! im sure none of my followers will get this??? im pretty sure i abandoned this account lmao--oH ALSO THIS ACCOUNT IS MY OTHER ACCOUNT just incase you were wondering!! i do feel like updating my hamilton book! im just not in the mood to uh to just write because im lazy af so i hope you understand?? i also want to start writing dear even hansen fanfiction since its a new musical and i aM IN LOVE WITH IT!! but i might just write on tumblr instead of wattpad??? so yeah!! if you wanna talk on tumblr here's my url!; thewornbook ☀️


i came back to check on this account, and the notifications i've gotten on this account are pure trash. kms.
          usually some old comment i posted a ten months ago and someone replied with "same" i mean okay, really, all i care for is feedback on my writing and contact with my readers. i had to delete like eighth books from my library because they were usually spammed with updates like jfc stop.
          i trashed this account and now the only place i enjoy writing in is on my google documents hAH.
          i just wanna LEAVE this account. egh. i'll leave it like a museum's art piece and just... not touch it.


pardon me, i wrote "eighth." i meant eighty.