
/  gadies  and  lentleman,,,  cb,,


*    you  know  where ,,   you  know ,,


          	  //Hysterically sobs on your front door step


hey  hey  hey —  do  NOT  get  those  photos  out !


@filmsstab-   |
            (  she’s  feeling  empathetic  tonight.  she  whines,  throwing  her  head  back  like  a  child;  despite  the  fact  that  she’s  only  11  months  younger  than  him.  )  fine,  fine.  but  i’ll  totally  show  her  baby  photos.  with  both  of  us,  so  you’re  not  the  only  one  with  a  humiliation  streak.  


CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @calmswolf- :
            i  swear  to  god,   heather,   i  will  mail  every  single  photo  of  your  duck-costume  phase  to  the  riley  house  (tonight).    {  this  threat  is  practically  hissed  out  between  randy's  teeth  as  he  fully  turns  away  from  where  he'd  been  waiting  by  the  window,   eyes  wide  and  damn  near  pleading  with  his  sister.  }    put.   them.   (up).


@filmsstab-   |
            what,  you  don’t  want  your  pretty  girl  to  see  your  photos?  (  a  grin  peaks  through  her  lips,    fumbling  through  the  memory  box  their  mother  keeps  in  the  hall  closet.  )  c’mon,  my  dear  brother!


talk  to  me,   h.   being  emotionally  repressed  and  sulking  is  for  people  like  billy  loomis.


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@filmsstab-   |
            yeah.  i’ll  fax  it  to  you.  (  her  words  are  muffled,  and  she  thinks  she  just  wants  to  suffocate  herself  in these  stupid  flowered  bedsheets.  )  everyone  at  school  hates  me.  you  and  i  both  know  this.  (  …  )  i  was  just-  me  and  tatum  got  into  a  stupid  argument.  about  the  same  old  shit  we  always  do.  (  …  )  you’re  sick  of  hearing  about  it,  right?  gonna  just  tell  me  to  move  on  and  find  another  blonde.  


this message may be offensive
CAN  I  BE  ELECTRIC  TOO,  @calmswolf- :
            is  that  in  the  manual  you  told  me  you  got?    {  this  poor  attempt  at  a  joke  comes  in  pairing  with  how  randy  leans  against  his  sister's  doorframe,   the  frown  on  his  face  that  of  pure  sympathy.    as  much  as  he  cares  about  tatum,   the  resentment  rapidly  forming  within  him  is  a  beast  heather's  sadness  isn't  helping  to  tame  at  all.   }    no  one  (hates)   you,   h,   and  if  they  do  then  they  should  go  fuck  themselves.     ( .. )    come  on.   what  happened,   huh? 


@filmsstab-   |
            it’s  for  lesbians  too.  (  she  groans,  burying  her  face  into  the  pillow.  )  i  deserve  to  sulk.  i’m  being  hidden  away  from  the  world.  everyone  hates  me.  i’m  social  pariah.  life  blows.  


. . . i  get  it.    you  don't  have  to  tell  me  more,   heather.
          *    smth  smth ,,   illicit  affairs  girls ,, 


@fearedworst-   |
            i  just-  (  her  heart  feels  like  it’s  about  to  pang  out  of  her  chest.  it’s  the  first  time  she’s  spoken  about  it  with  anyone  who  wasn’t  randy,  fingers  clasped  around  her  belt  loops.  )  if  i  don’t  explain  myself,  you’re  gonna  think  i’m  pathetic.
            /  bawling  my  eyes  out,,  they  have  such  opportunities,,


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he's  a  piece  of  shit,   heather.   that's  all  there  is  to  it.


@teenidles-   |
            i’ve  told  you.  you  can  have  me.  but  your  reputation  is  more  important.  (  she  crosses  her  arms,  inhaling  deeply  to  feel  the  rattling  in  her  chest.  )  you  don’t  need  a  boyfriend  to  be  popular.  you  know  that,  right?  we  don’t  even  need  to  be  popular…  y’just  gotta  get  away  from  him.  


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BUT  NEVER  TO  KEEP,  @calmswolf- :
            because  he's  a  fucking  sociopath.   i  mean,   i  never  saw  him  as  some  ted  bundy  freak,   but. . .    {  but.  it  hangs  between  them  like  a  vice  that  tatum  can't  pull  down,    echoing  the  fear  of  last  week  when  stu  grabbed  her  wrist  before  proclaiming  it  a  joke.   no.   no,   leaving  him  would  be  stupid.  }    it's  stupid  to  take  chances.   besides,   i  don't  (want)   another  boyfriend.    ( .. )     i  want  you.


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@teenidles-   |
            he’s  worse.  he’s  a  sociopath,  is  what  he  fucking  is.  (  she  bites  her  nails,  turning  away  from  tatum.  )  why  don’t  you  break  up?  find  another  boyfriend? 


i  do  care  about  you !   


@teenidles-   |
            i’m  not  asking  you  to  make  out  with  me,  tatum.  i’m  asking  you  to  acknowledge  my  existence  within  the  friend  group!  (  it’s  a  tug-of-war  argument  they  have  every  few  weeks.  her  stomach  is  churning,  and  she’s  afraid  she  might  throw  up  on  the  riley’s  carpet.  )  y’do  this  all  the  time.


BUT  NEVER  TO  KEEP,  @calmswolf- :
            oh,   now  that's  an  exaggeration.   {  with  a  huff  tatum  pushes  herself  back  up  onto  her  palms,   lips  pressed  into  a  scowl  that  she  hates  the  familiarity  of.   }     how  do  you  want  me  to  act  like  it?   it's  not  like  we  can  play  footsie  out  there,   it's  not  (safe).


@teenidles-   |
            well  then  act  like  it!  (  she  scoffs,  crossing  her  arms.  )  what,  only  when  it’s  convenient?  you  don’t  even  look  at  me  outside!  


don't  do  that.   don't  give  me  that  look.


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@teenidles-   |
            just…  to  be  with  you.  (  she’s  fucking  pathetic.  heather  meeks  is  pathetic;  a  girl  who  can’t  let  anything  go,  even  if  she  wanted  to.  a  girl  who  leaves  her  claw  marks  on  anything  that  tries  to  leave.  )  you  don’t  have  to.  i  just…  y’know…  figured  i’d  ask.  it’s  stupid.  


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BUT  NEVER  TO  KEEP,  @calmswolf- :
            i  promised...    {  stu.   her  stupid  fucking  boyfriend  who  may  as  well  be  a  clingier  koala  bear  on  top  of  everything  else,   the  same  one  who  she  abandoned  to  come  be  with  heather  anyway.   tatum  worries  her  lip  between  her  teeth  as  she  glances  down,   resisting  the  urge  to  pick  more  at  her  cuticles.   }     what  do  you  want  me  to  stay  for ?  


@teenidles-   |
            what  look?  (  she  knows  the  look.  the  pleading  expression,  begging  tatum  to  stay.  )  i’m  just  asking  you  to  stay.  that’s  all,  tate.  