
It's October 3 y'all!!
          	"hE aSkeD mE WHaT daY iT WaS."


It's Percy's Birthday!!
          Happy birthday to seaweed brain! one of the greatest demigods ever!
          I cannot believe he just turned 28.
          I was going to bake blue cakes today, but I realized that I'm completely out of blue food color / shella. I've ordered some online, but it's going to arrive on Saturday, so... yeah. No cake today. But I hope he has fun!


Ads, your book is on another website without your permission. Sign this petition to take the website down.
          The Petition-
          Your Book-


calypso_176 no probs. hey, come on hangouts


@da_kween939 oh! Okay, thanks for telling me


✨ Gentle reminder that,✨ ✨ Percy would want you to drink water✨ ✨ Annabeth would want you to stay safe✨ ✨ Grover would want you to take care if yourself and the environment✨ ✨ Jason would want you to ask for help if you can, when you need it ✨ ✨ Piper would want you to love yourself✨ ✨ Hazel would want you to be happy✨ ✨ Frank would want you to be unharmed✨ ✨ Nico would want you to stay alive✨ ✨ And Reyna would want you to stay strong✨ Send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans to spread positivity!


@Its_justme_yall that was such a sweet one, tq, you take care of yourself too, and be happy!