
hey guys,
          	soo i haven’t been on this account in A BIT. but the point is i probably won’t be updated my only story on here. it was very much cringey and i wrote it when i was like 11  despite that i loved the very short time i spent on here. (special hello to my old friends ) but i am on the account @extracakeish if you’d ever like to read my current original stories! i’ll probably turn this into a burner account with all my old stories but we’ll see if i even get around to that  anyway, love you guys ❤️


hey guys,
          soo i haven’t been on this account in A BIT. but the point is i probably won’t be updated my only story on here. it was very much cringey and i wrote it when i was like 11  despite that i loved the very short time i spent on here. (special hello to my old friends ) but i am on the account @extracakeish if you’d ever like to read my current original stories! i’ll probably turn this into a burner account with all my old stories but we’ll see if i even get around to that  anyway, love you guys ❤️


this random girl got on her knees for me in the middle of the lunchroom and asked me to be her valentine.. idk how to feel about that LMAO


Aww how sweet 
            What did you say


decided to post a story idea bc i’m to tired to write
          pls credit if using
          story name: pretty promises
          (name ideas are probably something like stella and karolyn)
          two girls one likes the other the other has NO idea
          lets just call the girl who likes the other #1 and the other #2
          so #1 had a crush on #2 for a LOOONG time (their about 11) but never found out until months later. 
           #1 kept it a secret so #2 wouldnt reject her but when she finds out #2 is moving she gets anxious
           #2 is #1 only friend and finds it hard to navigate without her because of all the weird stares she gets but #2 promises #1 they’ll meet again
          fast forward to highschool (grade 10) #2 bumps into #1 and finds out OMG ITS #1 but #1 changed a lot since then due to bullying (by her own ‘friends’) , family deaths, etc.
           #2 has also changed BUT in a positive way yk shes found out herself a little bit more
           #1 figured that #2 broke their promise and hated her for it
           #2 puts in all her efforts to try and have #1 forgive her and it works KINDA but #2 also discovers that the bullying is still going on and finds shocking stuff in #1 diary (aka the crush she had on her) but also what #1 was about to do 
          but the day she came to talk to her about it she found her about to commit but she showed her there was another way to end her pain and suffering.
          in the end #1 learned to ignore the bullying and #2 helped her through it. #2 helped her through family deaths. 
          in the end, #1 didnt return to her old self from 6th grade, but did become a better person due to #2 guidance. their relationship at the VERY END remains unlabeled? friends with benefits? 


def have to fix it up when i say “never found out until months later” i’m strictly referring to #1 finding out that she was gay and liked #2