
Hay una chico. El chico se llama Kokichi. Kokichi tiene cinco años. El vive en el infierno. Kokichi tiene un problema. Quiere un polla, pero el no tiene una polla. Kokichi busca en Ebay. En Ebay, hay un lista de unas pollas. Un polla está en Alabama. Kokichi va a un chico en Alabama y le dice, “¡Hola! Me llamo Kokichi. Tengo un problema. ¿Como te llamas?” El chico responde, “Me llamo Shuichi. ¿Cual es tu problema?” Kokichi responde, “Quiero un polla, pero no tengo una polla...” Shuichi responde, “Eso es gay. ¡Adios homo!” Pobre Kokichi no tiene una polla. Kokichi va a el hermano de Kokichi y le dice: “Quiero un polla uwu. ¿Tienes polla?” El hermano de Kokichi sonrie e responde, “Sí hermano tengo un polla para tu. ;);););)” The end.


One more gift
          If there's one more gift
          I'd ask of you,
          Lord it would be peace here on earth
          As gentle as your children's laughter
          All around, all around
          Your people have grown weary
          Of living in confusion
          When will we realize
          That neither heaven is at peace
          When we will live not in peace
          Grant me serenity within
          For the confusions around
          Are mere reflections.
          Of what's within.
          What's within in me?




Light a candle for peace
          Light a candle for love
          Light a candle that shines
          All the way 'round the world
          Light a candle for me
          Light a candle for you
          That our wish for world peace
          Will one day come true
          Light a candle for peace
          Light a candle for love
          Light a candle that shines
          All the way 'round the world
          Light a candle for me
          Light a candle for you
          That our wish for world peace
          Will one day come true
          Sing peace around the world
          Sing peace around the world
          Sing peace around the world
          Sing peace around the world
          *PARTNER SONG* - PART 1 (PART 2)
          Light a candle (Sing peace)
          for peace (around the world)
          Light a candle (Sing peace)
          for love (around the world)
          Light a candle that shines (Sing peace)
          All the way 'round the world
          (around the world)
          Light a candle (Sing peace)
          for me (around the world)
          Light a candle (Sing peace)
          for you (around the world)
          So our wish for world peace (Sing peace)
          will one day come true
          (around the world)