Y'all ever get suddenly inspired to work on a fic you put on hold, and go to work on it a bit, only to realize it was so clearly written a while ago, and just have to cringe at it, because it's... clearly written a while ago, when you were less experienced, and not nearly as good as you currently are (and even that isn't necessarily great, you know, but it's better than you were, you know), and part of you wants to completely start the entire story over and rewrite the whole thing to make it better, but another part of you wants to just delete the entire story so nobody ever has to read it again, and the last part of you just wants to do what you originally opened the fic to do and work on it from the point you have gotten to already? No? Just me? alright, fair.
Also, while this has all been happening, it's 1:30 a.m. I'm doing great, can't you tell?