
Ok so I've decided that I'm going to redo my book I still going to do it but I like things to be really good an It wasn't going the way I wanted it so I've started to rewright it a bit differently an better then ever so I hope u like it an I hope to get lots of likes an if u don't well just dont read it an if there's anyone who wants to help me out with any ideas or if u need any clarification on something ur welcome to follow me  an ask questions  so pleas in joy happy new years day an have a good day or night 


Ok so I've decided that I'm going to redo my book I still going to do it but I like things to be really good an It wasn't going the way I wanted it so I've started to rewright it a bit differently an better then ever so I hope u like it an I hope to get lots of likes an if u don't well just dont read it an if there's anyone who wants to help me out with any ideas or if u need any clarification on something ur welcome to follow me  an ask questions  so pleas in joy happy new years day an have a good day or night 


Can you so well I'm working on the next part of the Harry Potter book I will start posting my Percy Jackson book depending on how far I get in the next few days with writing it then I will try and post it but if I don't have enough Pages so I might not so we'll just see ok well I hope u injoy what I've put out so far happy reading 


Hey guys so I have another book that I'm working on it is a Percy Jackson fandom and not sure if I'm going to post it yet or when but most likely I will I just have quite a bit of detail to work out on the second book so that's why I right now I'm just posting the first book for fandom whichever one you go by well have a nice day or night whichever it is