
Today is one of those days where I listen to a sad song on repeat and cry while driving around for hours


I was reading your book unscripted and i just saw that you're a camilizer, harmonizer and in the cimfam and you're fav is apparently Lauren(cimorelli) and i felt the connection... btw awesome book even though i read it a couple years back and figured in the last chapters


So I know I said in Unscripted that I’d have a book called Secrets To Keep published, but then I got a job, and then I got a second job, and things just got crazy busy. I have two chapters for it written, and about half of the third chapter written. I initially wanted to write a handful of chapters before publishing it but idk when that’ll happen so I might just upload what I have and update it whenever I can. If anyone actually read this and is interested, what would you prefer for me to do?


@camrenisforreal I’d be down for just publishing what you got because I’m excited to read a new story of yours. But you choose whatever you’re comfortable with