I genuinely kind of want to read some of these old fics that I had liked, but now they're all deleted. I know they probably sucked, but also... I kind of miss them. I've read so much and now all that history, no matter how cringe it was for the author to look back on, the marks we left are just kind of... gone. it makes me kind of sad, but I know it happened, even if there isn't proof except memories. I wish I could've saved them and printed them out on paper to keep forever, because I dunno, nostalgia? The author poured their hearts in and I left a little bit of mine in there too. If there's one thing I know I'm not going to do from now on, is that I won't be deleting my fanfic. No matter how cringe I think it is because at the end of the day, it's amazing that we chose to sit here in the first place and make something so passionate and loving, and maybe it goes a bit rancid after a while, but it's still what I did, what you did, and those who were and still are like me.
@celestialstarpower Personality, I've only ever deleted fanfiction that was unfinished, and I knew was never going to be. It's fun to look back at something I wrote when I was 13 (I'm 22). There's cringe, but there's ideas I still like that I either have or hope to recycle somewhere else. I have a friend who deleted all of her fanfiction four years ago because it was "mocking her" while she tried to write a publishable book. She even still liked her fanfiction, but wanted to move on from fanfiction all together. Now she says she regrets deleting it.