
That moment that ur more confident here and slap people when you want to than down in KW tru story when I walk up to a boy and hold my hand up they defend themselves like their life depended on it


Hey if you run to the restaurant here in KW you might see me


@_BTS_Potato_ u have an amazing personality, you wont be single for long XD


Yea I think that's why I'm single


I miss u and our walks home candle stick plus you've been ignoring me for no reason I take offense to that and my axiety makes me think that u don't like me anymore 


@KWSpoopy21 sore u don't even answer my texts 


@KWSpoopy21  i dont hate u, u are my bestie. Its just that ive bee n busy, just kow that i ❤u (as bff)


Listen up Everybody this is my Candle Stick (I call her that cuase I can't spell her name it's a nickname I'm her potato) if I see a single rude comment about her I will flip all the tables and hunt you down. Thank you for reading this and follow her or you know what happens XD


Jk but rlly I love Holo more than you bc it holosexual problems

