Who reads Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olymus???? OMFG, the finale freakin' killed me. Why must the end be the worst one? WHY? WHYYY?

@candleliteyes I know right? Even just an IRIS MESSAGE is enough just to inform the group that he's alive! gods. He didn't know how worried his friends are to him. But anyway, if only I didn't see who's pov is in the last chapter maybe I wouldn't know that Leo will live when he just disappeared out of nowhere. That's true, and aside from we'll never know if we'll get disappointed again, it's a whole bunch of years waiting for new books of the series again.

@CrippleShooter (I'm so sorry for the late reply, I don't visit wattpad as much. :((() Yeeeees!!! Every character development in BoO seemed last-minute and forced and reading how different they've become surprised me! And it was unfair to end it with Leo and without proper closure, I mean, I feel like there wasn't any justice to how it ended. I know right?!?! Why couldn't there be AT THE VERY LEAST a few more pages of him calling camp half-blood or something to AT LEAST say that he's alive? Yeah, I sgree, I've decided not to read Magnus Chase, I've bee disappointed once and I don't want to get disappointed twice. :/

@candleliteyes (I didn't know if this was sent twice, because when I sent the first one, it said there that "this comment may be offensive" and stuff. lol.) Oh heck yes! Frank and Hazel are actually two of the most underrated characters of that book. We didn't even know what happened to that burning-wood-stuff that Frank's life depended on, did it just disappear and then boom! Frank's alive, and he had this self-proclaimed character development! And Hazel, one of the most useful characters is just thrown there on the side. I totally didn't want what happened in the ending, the Leo and Calypso stuff. It looked so inappropriate. I mean, I do ship CaLeo so hard, but it didn't feel so fulfilling. I'd even love it if it ended tragically that Leo will die and Calypso is left there hoping that he'll come, but sht happens, Leo and Festus just popped out in Ogygia with no apparent reason how the hell it happened, because you can only visit the island once - don't ever tell me that it's because of true love (too disney - even though the publisher is called disney hyperion). And on the side note, Leo didn't even GO BACK TO MEET HIS FRIENDS TO TELL THEM THAT HE'S ALIVE. HIS MOST LOVED PEOPLE ARE UNAWARE THAT HE'S ALIVE. THAT'S TOO UN-LEO-ISH. I'm feeling a Sherlock-John Watson reunion here between Jason and Leo. I don't feel like reading Magnus Chase, and maybe let's just strive harder to accept that the blood of Olympus is the end. It must be.