
cb (& specify) or drop!!


trying to revive this acc!
          & reminder that anyone can interact, regardless of fandom :)
          cb & specify!


/ introduction or concern pls <3


/ introductory & suspicious ?


"Let me see your...forbidden books." That was not the right word. Absolutely no one said that in earnest about what she was looking for, but Florence had no other word for it that came to mind. She tapped her thick boots against the floor in the silence, toyed with the edges of scattered papers over the librarian's desk. She couldn't help it, wasn't looking for anything there in particular. Her darkish eyes looked wider, more dense, in the low light as she gazed around. This was a purer place than she was used to, or anticipated, whatever that meant.


"Excellent," she said before she could stop herself, a fine smile tugging at her lips. She pressed a gloved hand to her mouth, feeling unusually contemplative in the library and not wanting to laugh aloud. Why Violet amused her so she couldn't place, or it was just Florence's inability to be very serious about anything. She covered the sudden giggle with a cough, watching where Violet pointed. "Must be meticulous," she said, "if you've gotta seperate 'em. Or someone 'as to, anyway." Because she couldn't think of the librarian here alone, running it /alone/. "What d'ya keep lookin' at me like that f'r?" she asked suddenly, dropping a finger down the stack of books. She selected the longest one and flipped through it again, now a bit impatiently, before setting it down again. When she'd picked up one that seemed to satisfy her she straightened, still waiting for an answer. Noted the way Violet--yes, the name seemed to suit her--moved with delicate frustration, a distant restlessness with how she toyed with her skirt.


[ @XxM3th0dactingxX ]
            “Not these in particular,” she mused, a slightly amused smile playing at her lips while she spoke. Violet’s fingers played at the rough hem of her dress at her wrist, still watching the other with a certain sense of curiosity, like a birdwatcher finding a particularly unusual new species in a different part of the forest. And Florence was certainly unusual. She stood up again, nodding a little as she swept along the shelves, indicating a few books stacked neatly on a different chair. “Those all have girls, I believe,” she said, that same smile still present on her face. Watching her movements with trained eyes, not distrustfully — though you couldn’t always trust people you’d just met not to steal, it was true. Simply, plainly curious. 


A soft little huff, one from petulant lips as she gazed at the silver and black and gold embossings, some peeling, some looking newly-printed. Perhaps not. "Florence. An' you might drop it on the 'Ma'am' bit y'rself," she allowed, looking at how Violet's skirt neatly came about her legs as she sat. "You don't have t' /watch/ me, eit'er, 'm not going t' steal anythin'." But she said this with amusement, as though the curious, reserved blue-eyed girl had seen through something in fact. She turned back to the shelf, picking out books and flipping through, skimming the words and focusing on the illustrations. She tried to slip the back in the right order, but they ended up looking muddled, uneven. "You know about these, in particular?" she asked after a long moment, in earnest. There were not so many that she might not catalogue them all, but she found herself wanting to ask Violet anyway, who looked nonplussed. "I mean, only 'cause I'm lookin' for ones wit' girls in 'em, specifically." She was incredibly straight-faced, though more outwardly animated than her companion
