HATE. What does hate mean? Hate is expressions of hatred toward someone on account of that person's colour, race, disability, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Name calling and embarrassment are so prevalent that many people simply ignore it. But there are layers to harassment. It builds. And it's anonymous. People hiding behind a screen. It makes people feel free to do online what they wouldn’t feel permitted to do offline.
So if you're a hater. One who puts hate on wattpad message boards, under Instagram posts, through your tweets on Twitter, in the comment section of a Youtube video. Stop. Think to yourself. Think about the impact you'll be having on the person who'll be reading that thing about them. And how they'll be spending the rest of their day thinking about what you said. And how they'll be tossing and turning at night with tears streaming down their face, unable to sleep.
It takes seconds to type hate, so why not turn that hate into love. Spread some positivity. You never know what a person is going through.
SO just be kind.