this message may be offensive
@yellowturtle33 posting this here because the person deleted the comment i replied to, probably because they understood they were wrong. not tagging them because there's no reason to spread more hate. @******* i swear... look, let me clue you into something. people change. people learn and move on, and people who've said dumb shit in the past can genuinely realize their mistakes. this is my best friend irl and they are the best goddamn person i know. i'm trans and queer, and they have always, always been there for me. there have definitely been times we had a difference of opinion, but we both grew up, and are still in, extremely religous, conservative, homophobic homes. we both grew up with plenty of internalized fuckery, and we both have now learned and changed (including me realizing that i'm not cishet). they have always been so supportive of me, they have always used my name/pronouns after I came out to them, and it’s in a way that I know they genuinely support and care for me. people literally can change, and they have been able to realize and grow from the environment we are, instead of continuing to internalize it. i love them to death and if you don't just shut the fuck up and realize that they have changed then please, please just move the fuck on.