


/   something  tense  :)


what are you doing here . . . ? 


trinity would double check or take you for questioning as they are desperate for a certain item .    i won’t bother if you are certain nothing will happen , i just need to get there first . 


@tombhuntings     Sure gorgeous, and you just said it was impossible for me to have lived here this long .. so really , pray tell , would this trinity believe me, if you don’t ? 


fine . whatever but don’t say i didn’t warn you when trinity comes and takes you away to their labs. 


samhain ? what’s wrong ? 


“ i suppose but you still deserve their respect not hope that they don’t lock you up forever because you don’t help them and their desires . “ he knew witches how if you didn’t help them you were in the way .  they proved that more then once to klaus and his family .   beings that would rather kill each other to get what they want then actually work together .   the male shook his head lightly with a breath leaving his lips leaning on the couch fingers curled slightly .    “ I am sorry you cannot be at peace . “ he said softly looking to the witch .  


@HYBRlDS     The witch studies klaus’s form , considering . “ I guess so , a relic of the past my descendants would rather throw aside than learn from .” His tone is measured, careful . He looks so small , delicate and feminine, though the fire in his gaze is unsettling, the black stain of his fingertips tells a tale of magic and blood . “ I hardly expect my children to respect me , or show me worship . “ he shrugs his shoulders , sitting down on the couch next to his bag , finishing his drink soon enough . “ I’d much rather be at peace . My human life wasn’t much better .” 


klaus shrugged while he moved to pour himself a simple scotch , nothing fancy involved .  eyes turned to the witch as he was brought to his lips ,  “ not really . they aren’t any use to me just curious is all . “  witches always interested him in one way or another . how magic flowed from their fingertips easily and words of latin left their lips to create something .  it seemed the laws of the earth followed their footsteps .        “ you and that book are the roots of the witches that walk the earth today . full of power and wisdom yet they chose to try and lock you up . “ the original commented lightly with a head shake finishing his scotch rather quickly . setting it down softly as fire crackled softly near them .      “ stupid of them not to respect you or even kiss the ground you walk on . “


@highwarIock        “ of course . “ he’s always one to accept a drink . The others luxuries are so different from his own simple home , but he is used to the others wiles . “ they likely will , if not , at least in here .” Even he grimaces . He knows , not many liked his company , especially with his blood soaked reputation . 


@highwarIock     He’s not wearing much makeup , natural freckles peaking out where they would usually be hidden . “ thank you ..” his hair is longer than the last time they met , and it’s braided up in a bun as dark fire depths inquisitively flit around . “ expecting more guests? This is much less than your usual gatherings . “