
I'm going to be honest, it bothers me a bit that in absolutely the majority of fics written by English speakers, Latinos are represented as black people. Latin America is vast and rich in diversity of people, not just Mexicans.


I'm going to be honest, it bothers me a bit that in absolutely the majority of fics written by English speakers, Latinos are represented as black people. Latin America is vast and rich in diversity of people, not just Mexicans.


Solo quería desearles feliz año y buena salud a (⊃•ᵌ•₎⊃₍⊂•ε•⊂₎ (⊃≧з≦)⊃ //
          I just wanted to wish a happy new year and good health to (⊃•ᵌ•₎⊃₍⊂•ε•⊂₎ (⊃≧з≦)⊃


Alguien me puede decir si me pasa solo a mí, las imágenes no cargan y el texto queda como en medio (como si estuviera bugeado)T_T / Can someone tell me if it only happens to me, the images don't load and the text stays in the middle (as if it were bugged) T_T