
I would like to formally apologize for disappearing and not finishing A New Breed. 
          	I am hoping in the next couple of weeks to be able to come back to my writing and flesh out this story for you. 
          	I haven't decided yet if I'm going to edit the first few chapters and then continue, in all likelihood I'll just spring off from where it is now and do it better/only slightly different. 
          	Thank you al for still following me and thanks to everyone who's voted on a chapter.


I would like to formally apologize for disappearing and not finishing A New Breed. 
          I am hoping in the next couple of weeks to be able to come back to my writing and flesh out this story for you. 
          I haven't decided yet if I'm going to edit the first few chapters and then continue, in all likelihood I'll just spring off from where it is now and do it better/only slightly different. 
          Thank you al for still following me and thanks to everyone who's voted on a chapter.


Hello everyone, sorry for having disappeared for so long, combo serious writers block and actually having started to develop a social life. But now I'm back and within the hour will have the next Chapter of A New Breed posted. Thank you for your patience and I hope you guys still want to read it. :)


hi! thanks for adding me on your library, it means a lot... and i would love yo hear your thoughts so feel free to leave comments and/or suggestions, that would be awesome and helpful... ;p and i hope you can check out my other work, if you have time, no pressure, lol! ;p please and thank you! xoxo


Can we have a moment of silence for my laptop please? *silence* 
          The hard drive officially crashed. The good news is that I rescued my stories from it beforehand, the bad news is that I have no where to type so until I either kidnap my dads laptop for a couple hours or get a new one (not likely) update will be few and far between :-( 
          I'm sorry! I hope y'all will forgive me but I had no control whatsoever over these circumstances. 
          On the upside my penmanship is improving since I've reverted to writing in notebooks again. *gasp*