
Hi me again, this isn't an important message just letting you know that I might be changing some of my story covers, also I'm not putting the Head Ripper series on hold anymore I'll get this story done then I'll try to make everything work.


Hi me again, this isn't an important message just letting you know that I might be changing some of my story covers, also I'm not putting the Head Ripper series on hold anymore I'll get this story done then I'll try to make everything work.


What my plan is:
          I'm so sorry I've not been updating but I have given myself a plan.
          I shall hopefully update at least once every 2-3 weeks and I will mostly be doing Cytro because I need to get the timelines in order for a big crossover I'm going to do, so I can't wait for that, also I will crossover my character's for time to time.
          Canthavename177 out.


@canthavename177 can't wait for the crossover


Hey can I use head ripper in a story I made called Head ripper 2030 which is about an older head ripper and its a fan fiction 


@UllFloat2 yeah, you can use him. P.s the link doesn't work


@canthavename177 this is the description if yes,   
            this is a fan fiction of a story the @canthavename  has created called head ripper a Pacific rim story make sure to check him out he makes brilliant stories here's s link