
Happy New Year everyone!! Hope 2017 is great! 


Hey lovelies!!
          Thank you all so much for reading Breaking Like Its means so much to me!
 we all know, all good things must come to an end....the next chapter or two will be my last for this book.
          I am working on a does not have a title yet but it will be out very soon!!
          Thanks for reading!!
          Love you all and keep up the comments, votes and reads!!
                  Cris xoxo


@Shake_Tramp Hi! Thank you for the sweet message aha! Same thing applies to my stories! I love hearing what you guys think and I'd love to talk anytime :)


@cantresist_jrams Aw, of course. :)  I'm totally looking forward to getting to know you!
            A quick warning about the kinds of stories I write, in case you haven't gotten to know my style yet:  I write pretty dark, triggering stuff, so if you're prone to being triggered by anything from self-harm to depression to eating disorders, be careful, ok? :)


Hey, new friend! Thanks for the follow! I hope you like what you read. :) Please feel free to drop in and say hi at any time if you like. I love interacting with my readers.  I also love hearing your thoughts, whether they be positive, negative or anything in between. I always wanna be able to make my writing better for you guys, so I hope you'll help to let me know how I can do that!
          Thanks again! I look forward to reading your work. :)