


Okay so how about something atypical. This girl is VERY popular. She doesn't really know why exactly (she's GOREGEOUS but she doesn't realize) and so she doesn't know who her real friends are and who is trying to use her. She really likes this shy, smart guy. But she knows he'd never go for the popular girl.


Something that is different not a cliche'. Hmm let me think maybe: Ok so a girl suddenly starts to hear voices out of nowhere. And she has boyfriend right and evertime she is around him she hears voice well for that matter she hears voices everywhere! She finds out she can read minds! From reading her bf minds she finds out what her bf really thinks of her and who her bf really cares about. Her ability isnbt all bad though bcs she finds out who has his eye on her. The only prob. is she can never tell the diff between when someone is talking and when someone is thinking so she has to look to see if they are moving there lips. (oh and she has to be looking at the person to hear their thoughts) sorry about how long this


Well lets see. How about you do something like where th heroine is in "love" with the popular jock. But her best friend, a boy, is really in love with her. But he still sticks beside her even when she starts dating the jock. She then realizes that ___________ is the perfect guy for her. Yeah. It's a classic.