
crying bc no one is reading my new chapter 


this message may be offensive
You look like someone who would be my hero. My god, I love you. Not in a weird creepy way, because I don't know you, but seriously. I'm an asshole too, and I'm in love with Chris Evans (and Sebastian Stan, oh my god). And Captain America. Stuff like that. You're're perfect. Followed you!


I'm pretty sure everyone ignores my statuses since they're all just about a new published book that I might delete soon. But PLEASE trust me on this! "My Electric Shock." Is a book I've been working on for months and I didn't have the confidence to publish it till now. It would really mean a lot if you guys supported it. 


            Sweetie, Your book, is amazing, Have the confidence, it's a really good book. DO NOT DELETE IT!!!!!! Don't delete it, it's a fantastic book x