
Inspiration has hit me like a bus


I would say best wishes on getting better, but is that not one of the best ways for inspiration to hit you?


one still needs ..? 
          ok , ok 
          Don't moove 
          I' ve something from france
          with my Compliment
          Of an edge to the other one,
          Of the bridge to the stern,
          I ' have the heart which rocks ,
          I ' have the heart which sways ...
          Sometimes far off,
          I believe to see the Earth,
          Sometimes at least,
          I ' learn to keep silent
          Hair in the wind,
          A cloud in ballast,
          A secret marriage,
          A celestial marriage
          Of a marine tightrope walker,
          And of one Alexandrine,
          Hand in hand,
          In Islands Grenadines.